Current engagements

NANO Nuclear to Namibia

NANO Nuclear to Namibia
Hunter&Co worked for NANO Nuclear to identify potential sources to contribute to U.S. supply chains. This initial body of work undertaken in mid-2024, which resulted in-principal support of key stakeholders to further develop their interests in Namibia. Hunter&Co has been retained by the client. 

RareX to Africa

RareX to Africa
Hunter&Co has an ongoing engagement with RareX (ASX: REE) on its client network project development model. Hunter&Co is currently consulting to RareX on a specific project acquisition opportunity in East Africa, and looking to source a pipeline of development project which suits the advanced technical experience and rich experience of its board and senior management. 
Hunter&Co has also worked with a number of African Governments seeking to promote inbound trade and investment, including Rwanda, Namibia, Burundi, and DRC.  Some examples include: 

Rwanda (RDB/RMB) to Australia

Inbound delegation
Hunter&Co has hosted two inbound delegations from Rwanda. The first was Rwanda Development Board’s visit to Australia in March 2023, which was led by Cabinet Minister Clare Akamanzi. More recently, the CEO of the Rwanda Mining Board, Ms Yamina Karitanyi, attended Africa Down Under in September 2023 - the first time Rwanda has been represented at this important annual forum. 

Namibia (NIPDB) to Australia

Inbound delegation
Hunter&Co managed the inbound delegation of the Namibia Investment Promotion Development Board (NIPDP), led by its CEO Nangula Uaandja, in 2023 to the Africa Down Under Conference. The NIPDB sits within the Office of the President. There are around twenty Australian companies in Namibia, a traditional mining jurisdiction which also is one of the cheapest sources of green energy in the world. Hunter&Co arranged a series of events, roundtables, and presentations to a large number of potential Australian companies over the course of the week.